UBQDB Admin UselessBollocks Quote Database

#18 - +(-82/3654/1440)- [X]
buffer buffer buufer chicken!
Comment: *waiting for video to load*  
tags: buffer, chicken, lol

#34 - +(5/3735/1454)- [X]
<Meghaleya> cheval is masculin
<Meghaleya> "J'ai un cheval dans mon pantalon"
<dug> LOL! Thakns Meghaleya. Could've been embarrasing having a female horse in my trousers. Although strangely arousing.
<Meghaleya> :D u seem to have several horses in ur pants = chevaux
Comment: #xkcd continued later on...  
tags: french, language, pube, hair, chevaux, cheveux, continued

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UselessBollocks Quote Database Admin 15 quotes accepted, 15 quotes total